I made this two or three years ago, and recently sold it at Portland, Oregon’s Verum Ultimum Gallery.
With two months left in the second year of the biggest pandemic in modern history, I can say that art and the desire to make it are alive and well. So are the people who like to buy it. I was also encouraged by the number of opportunities available to emerging artists.
Online art shows have always been a divisive subject in the art community, but the pandemic seems to have brought people into agreement that online gallery shows are better than no gallery shows at all. I used the callforentry.org system to apply to these shows, and I was accepted by six, one of which was on online exhibition. For the others, I shipped my work directly to the galleries. Of these entries, two were purchased by collectors, two were returned, and the other two pieces I donated.
May - Purely Abstract Group Exhibition (online) - Las Laguna Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
March - May - Honorable Mention - Studio Channel Islands Collectors Choice Exhibition, Camarillo, CA
March - All Abstract Show, Gallery 311, Raleigh, NC
March - Group Show, Jones Gallery, Kansas City, MO
Feb/March - Abstract Sanctuary, Verum Ultimum Gallery, Portland, OR
Jan/Feb - Open Theme Exhibit, Cultural Center of Cape Cod